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Muirs 10th annual Harry Potter Extravaganza 2024!
Through the month of November, once again Muir’s becomes a portal to travel to Hogwarts for wizards and muggles alike. Elaborate decor and all of the celebrated food from the books awaits you with our lavish multi-course High Teas including the deluxe Madam Puddyfoot Tea that offers many extra such as a gift wrapped chocolate frog and glass of butter beer and our ever popular Three Broomstick’s Tea. A children’s version and gluten free option are also available.
"Mmm...pumpkin pasties”- Hermione
" I can't believe I got this far without realizing I can have dessert every night" - Harry
Muir’s Winter Woodland Wonderland December Reservations open soon!

Scroll down this page to view Muir's Harry Potter High Tea Menus !
*all menus are plant based*
*all menus can be made gluten free*

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